
Outline of the Foundation


(Japanese) 公益財団法人 三菱UFJ信託奨学財団
(Pronounce: Koueki-zaidanhoujin Mitsubishi UFJ Shintaku Shougaku Zaidan)

(English) The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Scholarship Foundation

The Foundation was originally called "Yamamuro Kinenkai" or "The Yamamuro Memorial Foundation" in commemoration of the late Mr. Sobun Yamamuro and his great achievements for the development of industry and academia of our country as president of the Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation (now named as Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation).

(Transition of the name) Nov. 1953~ The Yamamuro Memorial Foundation
Oct. 1989~ The Mitsubishi Trust Yamamuro Memorial Scholarship Foundation
Apr. 2007*~ The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Scholarship Foundation
(*The change was approved by the Minister of Education on Mar. 6, 2007.)
Nov. 2010~ The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Scholarship Foundation
(Resistered as the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation.)



3F Nihombashi Bldg.,
2-2-4, Nihombashi Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0027 Japan
pointerMap to the office
(shown on a new page)
Phone: +81-3-3275-2215
Telefax: +81-3-3275-2409
E-mail: info@scholarship.or.jp
URL: https://www.scholarship.or.jp


Administrative Agency

Cabinet Office, Government of Japan


Date of Establishment

November 9, 1953



The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation (100%)
(present: Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation)



The aims of the Foundation are to foster talent and encourage the development of academic research so that it can contribute to the improvement and progress of society and culture through the development of the financial sector, including banks, trust and banking companies, securities houses, and of other industries.


Basic Assets

15,429 million Japanese yen  (as of March 31, 2024)



The Articles of incorporation of the Foundation states that the Foundation conducts the following program to achieve its objective:
  1. Provides scholarships to Japanese and International students who wish to engage in business or to study science as their future careers and also provides such scholarship students guidance and advice.
  2. Supports scientific research and its promotion.
  3. Conducts other activities necessary for the attainment of the objective referred to above.


Composition of Programs

The composition of the budget of the activity plan for the year 2024 is as follows.
(Unit: Japanese Yen 1,000.-)
(Program) (Budget) (Ratio)
Scholarship 228,518 98.9%
Grant for Research 2,500 1.1%
Total 231,018 100%

The Scholarship Program occupies 98.9% of the budget and this clearly shows that the main activity of the Foundation is its scholarship program.


Related Foundations

The Foundation keeps membership in the following foundations.