Grant for Research

Outline of Grant for Research

1. Grant for Research
Although the scale of research grant is not as large as that of scholarship grant, the Foundation has granted a total of 284 million yen to 57 researchers/study groups as of the end of March 2024 since its establishment in 1953. Funds for research grant are covered by yield gained through investment of the Foundation's assets.

Results of Grant for Research (PDF)
(In Japanese)

*numbers on the list is based on disbursement by the Foundation

2. 2024 Research Grants
(1) Name of group: Web3.0を活用した地域の小規模自律分散型金融システムの設計に関する研究会
Representative: Professor Makiko Takao, Hosei University
Theme: Web3.0を活用した地域コミュニティ運営組織と関係人口をつなぐ地域の金融包摂のための小規模自律分散型金融システムの設計に関する研究
Amount: 2.5 million yen
Period: Apr.2024 to Mar.2025

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